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Working with ECOSOC. INTERPOL CENTER UN - special consultative status

Working with ECOSOC. INTERPOL CENTER UN - special consultative status


What is ECOSOC?

The Economic and Social Council is the principal organ coordinating the economic, social, environmental and related activities of the 14 specialized agencies of the United Nations, the functional commissions and the five regional commissions. It serves as the central forum for discussing international economic, social and environmental issues and for formulating policy recommendations to Member States and the United Nations system.

What is consultative status?

Consultative status is an accreditation system that benefits both the United Nations and NGO. As stated in resolution 1996/31: "... Consultative arrangements should be made, on the one hand, to enable the Council or one of its organs to obtain expert information or advice from organizations having special competence in the matters on which consultations are being held and, on the other hand, to enable international, regional, subregional and national organizations representing important elements of public opinion to express their views." - ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31, Part II, paragraph 20

INTERPOL CENTER UN was created to promote the fight against economic crime, to identify persons who have committed crimes and persons suspected of having committed economic crimes, and to exchange experience among police officers throughout the world.
Education and training of individuals and units, in response to requests from them, through special training programs developed by the organization and its partners within the framework of the law, and the maintenance of special databases of wanted persons and methods of committing crimes.

Ensuring a high level of security for individuals and units, organizations and enterprises throughout the world. Establishment of a network of training centers for police officers in accordance with international law and the common values ​​of the world legal order.

The organization is not intended to replace the police, law enforcement agencies and security services of countries. The main goal of the organization is to assist law enforcement agencies around the world in the fight against various types of economic crime, which has now acquired an international character, as well as the protection of citizens and organizations from crime.

In 2022, INTERPOL CENTER UN received Special Consultative Status in the UN ECOSOC.

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