
Duty officer
Greetings from UN DESA

Greetings from UN DESA


Dear UN DESAPartners ,
We hope that this message finds you and yours well and safe.
2021 has been another challenging year for the global community. Although the COVID-19 vaccine has brought hope for our joint recovery, we are reminded that no one is safe until everyone is. Vaccine equity will be critical, along with efforts to fight the spread of misinformation and disinformation, letting facts and empirical evidence prevail.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear the importance of an effective science-policy interface and has shown us the importance of global solidarity and collective action. We were challenged, as an international community, to provide an effective response to the global health emergency while curbing grave social and economic fallout.
UN DESA faced this challenge head on.
With greater focus on an interdisciplinary approach in our thought leadership, we worked across our range of expertise to shape multi-faceted solutions to complex problems.
As Secretariat to ECOSOC and its functional commissions and advisory bodies, the High-level Political Forum and the Second and Third Committees of the General Assembly, we helped to shape well-rounded deliberations that emphasized solidarity and a just, inclusive, and sustainable recovery. And we shared our data, analysis and recommendations with  a global audience, through the Global Policy Dialogue Series, which continues to bring together leading experts to share good practices for a sustainable recovery and for realizing the Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and our UN DESA Policy Briefs, which address some of the most pressing issues facing policymakers worldwide.
Addressing the root causes of inequality remained a critical focus, as we strengthened our efforts to identify and promote social, economic, environmental, and financing policies and governance strategies. And our support to the global community also continued on the urgent issues of development financing, improving data capacities and effective governance.
As we close the chapter on 2021, we would like to take this opportunity to convey our warm thanks to you for your loyal readership and for following and supporting UN DESA’s work. We are honored and proud to have you with us and look forward to continuing our journey to deliver sustainable development for all.

We wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! Stay well and safe!

With best wishes from